Welcome to these genealogy pages containing a description of my thusfar found ancestors. Also on this site a start to search for the origin of the many branches 'van Schaik' (in several spellings). The site is kept as simple as possible to enhance readability, the only freedom I allowed myself is the use of a simple background as contained with the program PAF. If I can enhance readability even further feel free to give any suggestion.
I hope you gain as much pleasure reading the information, as I did in collecting and presenting this information. Use of the presented information is left to your politeness, but a mail and reference to these pages is very much appreciated. I also always like to receive corrections, additions and constructive critisism to enhance these pages.
On these pages no information about living perons is given apart from the information I am willing to give about myself. Persons born less than 110 years ago, of whom it is not known whether they are still living are indicated by privacy filter !. Also some remaining information in the records of recently deceased persons, which I think is not suitable for publication on an internetsite, is removed. My database contains now about 83.000 persons, of which about 10% is available on these pages. Possibly more information is available than I can publish on this site.
Send in additions and corrections always have the source indicated, preferably with reference to a homepage. An abbreviated form of these sources can be found on the page 'sources'. Please notify me of any mistake made, this will be corrected as soon as possible. The data contained on these pages is always available on basis of mutual gain, including translation of relevant parts. This with the restriction to information about living persons as indicated above.
It would have been impossible te collect all the contained information in a relative short period without help of the persons mentioned (or should have been mentioned) direct or indirectly (the many volunteers in different database projects available on internet) on the sources page. My sincere thanks to all of them.
As always in genealogical pages: "this page is still under construction, and will be maybe forever"